For many homeowners and businesses in Maryland and Virginia, the name Benfield Electric is synonymous with reliable electrical solutions. For over half a century since our establishment in 1968, we’ve been the benchmark for dependable electrical solutions. Our vast experience extends from both residential and commercial new constructions to the realms of solar power, backup power generators, and other commercial and residential services. The installation of thousands of Generac generators throughout the region remains one of our proudest accomplishments.

However, as much as it’s essential to know how to use these generators, understanding how to safely shut them down, especially during utility outages, is equally crucial. Whether you’re looking to check the oil during a prolonged power outage, conserve fuel, or reduce noise during the nighttime, these steps will guide you in shutting down an air-cooled generator:

IMPORTANT: To avoid damaging your equipment, follow these steps in the specified sequence. For detailed guidance, see page 22 of your owner’s manual. If your manual is missing, click here to find the specific guide for your Generac generator.

Turning Off Your Generator:

Generac Air Cooled Control Locations

Generac Air Cooled Fuse and Main Line Circuit Breaker MLCB Location

  1. Unlocking: If the side locks are engaged, begin by disengaging them. Sometimes, a slight downward pressure on the lid near each lock simplifies the unlocking process. Lost your keys? Contact us, and we’ll be pleased to provide a replacement set.
  2. Lift Open Front Lid: With the locks released, position your hands at the center of the lid, which is generally the most robust part, ensuring an even lift. Gradually raise the lid. Some models might offer a bit of resistance, which is typical.
  3. Generator MLCB (Generator Disconnect): Locate this breaker either under the top cover or via a side gray door access panel, depending on the model, and set it to the OFF or OPEN position.
  4. Cool-down: Let your generator run without any load for roughly a minute. This cool-down phase ensures the generator doesn’t suffer potential damages from abrupt shutdowns.
  5. Controller Settings: Navigate to the generator’s controller and switch the generator to the Red OFF position.
  6. Fuse Removal: Last but not least, uncover the 7.5A fuse by lifting its rubber protective shield, then pull out the DC blade fuse. This step ensures the battery doesn’t deplete while the generator isn’t supplying power to your premises.

Powering Your Generator Back On:

  1. Fuse Installation: Reinsert the 7.5A fuse into its slot on the controller.
  2. Generator MLCB Verification: Confirm that the generator MLCB remains in the OFF or OPEN state.
  3. Auto Mode: On the controller, set the time, date, and exercise parameters by navigating through the prompts using the enter button. If your generator prompts a WiFi connection, you can sidestep this for now and complete it once your regular power is back. Once done, press the green Auto button.
  4. Warm-up: Upon activation of the AUTO mode, the generator will spring to life after the delay timer finishes. Allow it a few seconds to warm up before drawing power.
  5. Generator MLCB (Generator Disconnect): Flip this breaker to the ON or CLOSED position and close the lid of the generator.

Should your utility power be restored while the generator was off, rest assured, the generator will not reboot abruptly. It will merely transition to standby mode, awaiting its next use. But if there’s an anomaly, and the transfer switch fails to toggle between utility power and generator, we direct you to our article titled “Transfer Switch Quick Tips” for a swift resolution.

Remember, by adhering to these steps, you not only promote the durability and performance of your generator but also safeguard your assets and loved ones. Prioritize safety!

For questions, concerns, or further advice, the seasoned team at Benfield Electric is a call away. With decades in the electrical business, we’re dedicated to ensuring you extract maximum value from our products and services.